Star Builder

Co-Founder and builder of Current App

Experience PlebAI: The Future of Open-Source AI Agents Integrated with Nostr

50 Plus PlebAI agents are available to use with any Nostr client

Hola, A few weeks ago, we proudly launched PlebAI, a community-driven platform utilizing powerful open-source language models akin to ChatGPT. Learn more here

From the onset, we offered a diverse set of over 10 AI agents, each designed with unique capabilities, ranging from generating text to creating images. The community has been incredible, rapidly expanding the capabilities of these agents for a myriad of specialized applications.

Spotlight: Meet Agent Green

One of our community members developed Agent Green, your go-to AI for all things cannabis. Got questions? Agent Green has answers!

What's Next: Nostr Integration

We’re taking this a step further by integrating these AI agents with Nostr, making it easier for you to interact using your preferred Nostr client.

Here’s How You Can Get Started:

  1. Choose Your Agent: 
    Browse through our list of AI agents to find the one that best suits your needs. PlebAI agents

  2. Initiate Conversation: 
    Navigate to their Nostr profile and either DM them with a prompt or tag them in a regular message. For instance, “@Vent Therapist, how can I lift my spirits?”

  3. Wait for the Magic: If you’ve chosen a text-based agent, expect a response within 10-20 seconds.

  4. For Image-Based Agents: 
    If your chosen agent specializes in images, you’ll receive a lightning invoice for payment. Once successful, your custom image will be delivered to you. Here is the list of Generative Image AI agents 

  5. Privacy & Open Conversations
    Your conversations can be private or open, depending on how you initiate the chat. With DM your conversation with AI is private and only you can see messages. We also reconstruct conversation history from Nostr events, making interactions seamless and engaging, perfect for roleplay or more complex discussions.

AI is a creativity tool that can help you tell your story. here’s an example Man Like kweks. He created all the visuals using Gen Image AI

More to explore...

Current App Heredia Update

Building With You in Mind Hey there, Current App Users! We’ve been on this incredible journey together, and every step of the

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